If you’re keen to get your hands on the cheapest flight deals with EasyJet, scroll up to the top of this page to check out our ‘Top EasyJet flight deals’. Here, we’ll display the best value trips for both domestic and overseas flights.You can also use our search engine to find the best prices for your desired route, date of departure and date of return.
The most popular destinations for EasyJet routes include France, Italy and Spain. In France, you can jet off to the likes of Paris, Nice, Brest, Toulouse, Marseille and many more towns and cities. Trips to Italy can be enjoyed with EasyJet to the likes of Venice, Rome, Turin, Naples, Milan and Bologna.
Planning your next Spanish holiday? EasyJet flies to dozens of Spanish destinations, including Malaga, Barcelona, Almeria, Alicante, Lanzarote, Tenerife and Fuerteventura.
For access to the very best flight deals, consider joining 5 million others by purchasing an Opodo Prime subscription. You’ll get access to exclusive Prime deals and sales and save on all EasyJet flights.
Frequently asked questions about EasyJet
How do I check in with Opodo?
When you buy EasyJet flights with us, you can usually check in online through Opodo 24 hours before the scheduled flight time. Click through to EasyJet from our site, fill in your booking reference (usually a six-digit alphanumeric code found in your Opodo confirmation email) and follow the on-screen instructions.
Do I have to select my seats in advance?
No. If you don’t select your seat pre-flight, you’ll be randomly allocated a seat on the flight. This will be assigned to you when you receive your digital or paper-based boarding pass.
If my EasyJet flight is cancelled, am I eligible for compensation?
All EasyJet flights cancelled within 14 days of departure may be eligible for EC261 compensation. This compensation will only be rejected if the cancellation is caused by an ‘extraordinary circumstance’, including employee strikes or severe weather conditions.
How can I change my seat on an EasyJet flight?
It may be possible to change your seat within your Opodo account. Alternatively, you can head to the Opodo website or app and manage your booking there. Wherever you manage your booking, you'll need your booking reference and email address. With EasyJet, you can change your seats until two hours before scheduled departure, provided you haven’t already checked in. If you’ve already checked in and want to change your seat, you’ll need to contact their customer service department.