Did you know that the province of Alicante has 218 kilometers of beach and 330 days of sunshine a year? With these numbers, we have the perfect base to choose one of the cities and enjoy a holiday by the sea ? In this case, we set sail for the capital, Alicante, the last republican bastion in the Civil War and today a favorite destination of many Spanish and tourists to enjoy good food, sun and the pieces of history to be found in the streets of this city.
Maybe with this you already have enough reason to start looking at flights to Alicante.. In case you need more, here are our Top 10:
1. Rice in any of its varieties, although our favorite is “Arroz a banda”
2. The Island of Tabarca. Without cars and with only 30 inhabitants, this island is perfect to make the time stop and enjoy the Mediterranean.
3. Walk along the white houses of the Barrio de Santa Cruz, the oldest in the city
4. The Castle of Santa Barbara, one of the best preserved of the area. Here’ll have an unbeatable view, especially at sunset!
5. Enjoy Saturday afternoon. The city center is full of people ready to have a few drinks and a good time. A good place to start is the Central Market.
6. Sunbathing on Postiguet beach, one of the most famous in the city and known throughout the Valencian Commununity
7. Las salinas in Santa Pola, a few kilometers from the city, offer landscapes that look like they are from another world
8. The MARQ (Archaeological Museum of the Province of Alicante) was awarded as the best European museum in 2004 and tells the history of this land from Prehistory to today
9. Discover the hidden beauty of the coves of Cabo de las Huertas, next to the Playa de San Juan
Photo: @edlarrazil vía Instagram
10. Take a walk near the sea in the Esplanade of Spain or the Rambla de Méndez Núñez
Photo: @edlarrazil vía Instagram