Planning to visit Nepal? How much do you really know about this country and its people? Let’s face it, every culture has its own peculiarities, specific do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of before you step foot on foreign land. We feel it’s always good to stay informed, and with this in mind, we’ve put together a short but fun list of curiosities…after all, it doesn’t hurt to travel prepared, if anything, it may just keep you out of trouble and earn you a few friends!
Here are 10 things you should know about Nepal:
1. The national flag of Nepal is the only non-quadrilateral flag in the world.

2. Momo (dumplings) is a traditional dish of Nepal. Fried, steamed, stuffed or plain, these dumplings come in many different varieties and are incredibly popular with locals.

3. Avoid pointing or touching anything with your feet. The Nepalese believe everything contains the essence of God, therefore touching things with your feet is offensive.
4. If you embark on a trekking adventure around the Nepalese Alps, stay alert! Some say Yeti, the mythical snow creature, lives somewhere in the high valleys of Nepal.

5. The capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, was once called Kantipur or the “City of Glory”.
6. While Nepal is definitely a land worth photographing, be sure to put your camera away when you enter a temple. Taking photographs inside places of worship is not allowed. Likewise, ask before you enter a temple; not all temples are open to tourists.

7. As in Morocco, though it is not unusual to see people of the same sex holding hands as they walk on the street, it is not acceptable for people of the opposite sex to hold hands in public.
8. Over 80% of the Nepalese population is Hindu; a further 10 % are Buddhist.

9. Nepal is home to eight out of the 10 tallest mountains on earth, including Mount Everest.
10. Drinking tea is an important part of local culture. Some say, the best way to visit the country is by going teahouse trekking. Teahouses are the best places to meet locals, drink tea, and if you like, even sleep.

Check our latest flight offers to Nepal and venture out into this incredible country!