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Book Cheap Flights from Paris to Tunis from £64

Last minute flights from Paris to Tunis

Save big and visit this destination

Prices shown below were available within the past 3 days for the period specified and should not be considered the final price offered. Please note that availability and prices are subject to change.
Paris Tunis
Wed, 17 Jul ORY - TUN
Sun, 21 Jul TUN - ORY
£202 £196
Prime price per passenger
Paris Tunis
Wed, 21 Aug ORY - TUN
£65 £64
Prime price per passenger
Paris Tunis
Tue, 02 Jul CDG - TUN
Fri, 05 Jul TUN - CDG
£169 £166
Prime price per passenger
Paris Tunis
Mon, 08 Jul CDG - TUN
Fri, 12 Jul TUN - CDG
£228 £223
Prime price per passenger
Paris Tunis
Sat, 13 Jul CDG - TUN
Wed, 17 Jul TUN - CDG
£192 £188
Prime price per passenger
Paris Tunis
Mon, 22 Jul CDG - TUN
Wed, 24 Jul TUN - CDG
£199 £195
Prime price per passenger

Flight route information

Currency and price comparison

Train Local, one-way ticket
92% Trains in Tunis are 92% cheaper than in Paris.
Paris £1.82
Tunis £0.15
Meal Mid-priced restaurant
80% A meal in Tunis is 80% cheaper than a meal in Paris.
Paris £15.23
Tunis £3.02
Exchange rate
1 GBP = 3.94 TND
1 TND = 0.26 GBP
Last checked on 28 June 2024
Distance: 923 miles
Paris airports
Charles De Gaulle (CDG) How far from city centre: 14 miles
Orly (ORY) How far from city centre: 9 miles
Paris Beauvais (BVA) How far from city centre: 42 miles
Pontoise Cormeilles (POX) How far from city centre: 21 miles
Paris - Le Bourget (LBG) How far from city centre: 9 miles
Villacoublay Velizy (VIY) How far from city centre: 9 miles
Tunis airports
Carthage (TUN) How far from city centre: 4 miles

Search for flights from Paris to Tunis

Tips for booking cheap flights from Paris to Tunis

Now you are a little bit closer to your destination. If you are looking for cheap flights from Paris to Tunis, here you will find all the information you need to book your tickets.

Would you like to travel from Paris to Tunis and you are looking for cheap flights? Luck is on your side! At Opodo, you'll find the best travel deals. Take advantage of this opportunity and get your ticket from Paris to Tunis at the best price!

1. What can I do to save money when booking flights from Paris to Tunis?

To save money when booking flights from Paris to Tunis, you can follow these tips:

By following these strategies, you can efficiently save money when booking flights from Paris to Tunis, ensuring a more economical and enjoyable journey.

2. Can the price of my tickets from Paris to Tunis change during the booking process?

Prices for tickets from Paris to Tunis may fluctuate while you are in the process of booking. While this isn't a common occurrence, it can happen because Opodo operates as an online travel agency, and ticket prices and availability are ultimately determined by the airlines. Therefore, if the airline adjusts prices or if the available tickets are depleted while you are making your reservation, you will receive confirmation within 48 hours after your ticket purchase.

3. Can I book last-minute flights from Paris to Tunis on Opodo?

When booking a flight, you may encounter situations where your desired travel date is unavailable or the flight price has increased beyond your budget. Rest assured, Opodo offers a solution. Explore our last-minute flight deals to find affordable options, especially if you have flexibility with your travel dates. Whether you need to depart on short notice or simply want to discover the cheapest day to fly between Paris and Tunis, our last-minute flights section has you covered.

4. How to make my reservation through the Opodo search engine?

Opodo provides you with all the useful information about the flights covering the route between Paris to Tunis airports. Preparing for your trip is very easy! All you have to do is enter into Opodo search engine your departure and destination airports, the dates of travel, and the number of passengers. A list of all available flights will appear on your screen in a matter of seconds! For your convenience, you can sort it according to your preferences, such as time, price, or duration of the trip.

Ready to start your journey from Paris to Tunis? Visit Opodo now to discover the best travel deals, set price alerts, and book your flight ticket at the best price. Your adventure begins here. Book with Opodo and make your travel dreams a reality!

Frequently asked questions about flights from Paris to Tunis

How long does the flight take to go from Paris to Tunis?
The total flight time between Paris and Tunis is of around 02:28 hours on average, considering an average distance of 1,480 km, for both direct and indirect flights for the route (which may have 1 or more stops in other cities in between).
How can I find cheap flights from Paris to Tunis at Opodo?
The cheapest price for a flight from Paris to Tunis is 64£. At Opodo we use different machine learned based methodologies to find our costumers the best option available, considering airline combinations, stopovers and direct flights as well as different criteria for inbound and outbound journeys.
Is Tunis expensive to visit compared to Paris?
If you compare transportation prices, the taxi ride in Tunis costs an average of 0.23 GBP, 96% cheaper than Paris, with a fare of 5.29 GBP, while train tickets costs 92% less in Tunis: 0.15 GBP against 1.82 GBP in Paris. If you compare the price of a lunch meal, however, you can find it from 3.02 GBP in Tunis, 80% less than the 15.23 GBP in Paris. The price of the coffee is around 80% cheaper in Tunis, with an average of 0.70 GBP, while in Paris the coffee costs 3.54 GBP.
When is the best time to book a flight from Paris to Tunis?
The most popular months to book a trip from Paris to Tunis are July, December and March, based on the searches of our customers.
When is the best time to travel from Paris to Tunis?
The best time of the year to go to Tunis when flying from Paris depends on several preference factors like climate, seasonality and, of course, price. When it comes to popularity, December is the top 1º month to fly to Tunis from Paris in terms of searches from our customer, followed by August and July. If you prefer to avoid high peaks of turism, however, and escape a crowded period, May, October and September are the months with less volume of searchs for the route Paris - Tunis.
Is it possible to purchase a flexible ticket for my flight from Paris to Tunis?
At Opodo we want to make sure that your travel plans are not affected by any cancelation as well as any possible restrictions Tunisia may apply when travelling from Paris. Is your flight cancelled? We've got your back! With our flexible ticket guarantee you can decide if you want to book another flight - free of rebooking fee - or get a full refund!
How is the weather in Tunis compared to Paris?
While in Paris the temperatures can reach an average of 33.34 ºC in summer, with precipitation levels up to 12.0 mm ,Tunis's temperatures can go up to 39.41 ºC during the hot season, with 1.6 mm average of rain rate . In winter, however, weather indicators show around 3.11 ºC in Tunis, compared to the -3.85 ºC average degrees reported in Paris. During the winter period, Paris can register 3.0 mm precipitation, while Tunis have an average of 3.0 mm rain level.
Which airports have flights between Paris and Tunis?
The main airport route flying between Paris and Tunis is: Orly (ORY) to Carthage (TUN). This route is covered by the following airline(s):
  • Tunisair.
  • Transavia France.
  • Alternatively, you can find Paris - Tunis flights between Charles De Gaulle (CDG) to Carthage (TUN) with the following airline(s) flying the route: Nouvelair.
  • Air France.
  • null.
Airlines with indirect flights from Paris to Tunis are:
Aegean Airlines, stopping in Athens for 1370 minutes minimum.
Flight Duration 2 h and 28 m Flights between Paris and Tunis take, on average, 2 h and 28 m minutes, but the time can vary according to other factors
Cheapest flight £64 Cheapest price for a flight between Paris and Tunis found by our customers in the last 72 hours
Departing Airport Orly The airport Orly is the departure airport operating flights between Paris and Tunis
Arriving Airport Carthage Flights departing Paris with Tunis as destination arrive at Carthage

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